What is a Ragdoll Cat?
Ragdolls Cats are beautiful large cats with docile, calm and floppy natures. The cats are often known as “puppy cats”, “dog-like cats”, “cat-dogs”, etc., because of their placid nature and affectionate behaviour, with the ragdoll cats often following owners from room to room as well as seeking physical affection akin to certain dog breeds. Ragdolls can be trained to retrieve toys and enjoy doing so. They are very trusting, loyal and with each ragdoll cat certainly has its own unique personality.
All our ragdoll kittens come registered, vaccinated, de-sexed, wormed and de-fleaed. Our cattery is kept small so kittens can be house raised and given lots of attention. This results in excellent temperaments. Our fur babies also come with a selection of settling in items.
How Fiona Maclean became a Ragdoll Cat Addict?
Ragdoll cat? Who me? Once upon a time, many many years ago I was a poor university student. One day I was at home “studying” for upcoming exams, and I had the TV on for background noise. During the day there was a lovely line up of talk shows – Phil Donahue, Sally Jessie Raphael, Oprah Winfrey, and Ricki Lake. All great study aids, I swear.
The most adoring blue eye cat I’d ever seen
So I was lying on the lounge floor with a selection of scribbled notes and text books. There was a moment of silence and I looked up at the TV (silence in those talk shows being very uncommon) and stared into the deepest bluest eyes I had ever seen on a cat. The voice over announced that the picture was of a ragdoll cat, but it was like the voice was coming from a million miles away. All I could see was this amazing cat (which I now know was a seal point ragdoll).

I had never forgotten that ragdoll cat.
Jumping forward a few years, and then a few more. I had never forgotten the ragdoll cat I had seen on TV so many years ago, but the memory had been pushed slightly to the side. Life got in the way – mortgages, work, family – all the day to day things that happen again and again. I was looking through the local paper and saw an advertisement by a ragdoll breeder. Instantly I was transported back to that memory of seeing that gorgeous cat on TV.
So, to hell with the mortgage, I was determined to get myself a ragdoll cat. I rang the number and booked an appointment for a viewing of a new little of ragdoll kittens for sale. I wanted to see them as soon as possible – that weekend. So on Saturday I duly dragged my poor husband out to a cattery. It was amazing. Everywhere I looked I could see ragdoll cats and kittens. I placed a deposit on a bluepoint male ragdoll post-haste.
Finally the day came when the new man in my life was ready to come home. I raced out to the cattery… and somehow I bought seal bi-coloured female littermate of my boy while I was there. It was official – I was hooked and I hadn’t even got my new boy home.
A year or so later my dear husband (whom I am sure regrets this so much now) suggested I should look into breeding ragdolls. Somehow I went from researching on the internet to having a houseful of ragdolls.
I was a Ragdoll Cat Breeder
Ragdolls are an awesome breed, but I may be a little biased. They are almost like a long haired cat, but with way less grooming. They are affectionate, and like company. And as they are a larger sized breed, you get something big and heavy and furry pawing at you every now again – and who doesn’t want that? One of my favourite things about ragdolls is the flop. Yes, the ragdoll cat flop or the floppy ragdoll. They don’t do it all the time – but when they are happy or comfortable they do the flop – and it’s great to be the human they love and trust enough to do that with.
Breeding ragdolls has been a bitter sweet experience. There are fantastic moments when everything is going right, and the terrible moments when everything is going wrong. Over all, I have been exceptionally lucky – I have made lifelong friends and met people who have encouraged me to leave my comfort zones and to learn new things. I will tell you something I have learnt: It is incredibly difficult to make money breeding cats if you are doing it right.
Do I regret becoming a breeder? Occasionally. Would I change what I have done? Never.
Fiona Maclean – MacCats Ragdoll Breeder
Qualifications – Accredited LH Specialty
Eligibility – LH Specialty Internationally