How it all Started2019-04-10T08:35:05+00:00

Back in 2005 we went to pick out our first pet Ragdoll kitten. We picked our handsome boy but there was a quiet girl that had some extra markings that made her less desirable to others. After several visits to the registered breeder it was time to collect our new Ragdoll kitten.

The miss marked girl had not been sold so we ended up with both kittens. We named them Tiny and LB. This started the love of the blue eyed pointed Ragdoll.

Tiny our first Ragdoll

Tiny our first Ragdoll

Tiny and LB

Tiny and L.B.

In 2006 we started looking at breeding these easygoing, loving cats and got our first entire boy. We wanted to do it right so as newbies we approched the cat registries in New Zealand, and so we joined Catz Incorporated. This lead to showing and meeting some great people from both registries and it became much easier to join The New Zealand Cat Fancy.

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